성형외과광고 Ear problems: Ear problems occur in people of all ages and are especially common in children. As the throat, nose and ears are interconnected; ear problems can result from colds, allergies, and sore throat.
Infections in ear: It can be caused due to bacteria or viruses following a cold or allergies. The increase in pressure in the ear and infection can cause earaches and pus discharge. Ear infections rarely cause death but if the infection is not treated appropriately it can lead to complications such as mastoiditis (infection of the mastoid bone behind the ear), meningitis or encephalitis (infection of the brain), deafness and sinusitis.
Ear Wax: Wax is produced in the ear canal and it functions to protect and moisturise the skin of the outer ear canal. Excessive ear wax build-up can block the outer ear canal and hence wax should be removed occasionally.
Tinnitus: If you hear an occasional or frequent low- or high-pitched ringing or roaring sound inside one or both ears it is tinnitus. It can be caused due to excessive wax, allergies, infections, circulatory problems, or long-term exposure to loud noise.
Inner Ear Problems: Disorders of the inner ear can cause dizziness, vertigo (or even a condition called Meniere’s disease) and even hearing loss.